Welcomed in the new year with our children and 4 month old granddaughter. Organized a "Done in a Day" event at the Golden Age Club/Downtown Friendship Centre for the Junior League of Calgary. Began team-teaching a parenting class at our home. Endured another endoscopy.
Attended the judicial swearing in ceremony of our friend, Bill Tilleman, to the Court of Queen's Bench. Attended the wedding of former YSA member, Rob Koffman. Took a week long vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico with our son Derek and his wife Courtney. Volunteered at the Ronald McDonald house.
Discovered a Morton's neuroma in my left foot:( Took photos at the Calgary Safety Expo for the Junior League of Calgary. Traveled to Washington DC to visit our daughters. Attended a rally for immigration reform on Capital hill, and the DC kite festival in front of the Washington monument. Got a tour of the National Portrait Gallery by Jennifer, who was there on an internship. Helped Michelle out for a
couple of days following her surgery.
Had a molar extracted:( Went to Utah to attend the graduation ceremonies at BYU for our daughter Jennifer and daughter-in-law, Courtney:)
Took photos at the JLC's Kids in the Kitchen event. Prepared the end of the year slideshow for the JLC's May Celebration dinner. Was hired for a photo event by the Bank of Montreal. Attended my brother-in-law Doug's 60th birthday party.
Underwent Radio Ablation Therapy on my esophagus. Attended and photographed a
press conference for the 60th anniversary celebration of the Junior League of Calgary.
Traveled to southern Alberta for the wedding of our niece, Jenna.
Attended and photographed the Junior League of Calgary's 60th Anniversary Celebration. Hosted three Albanian students at our house for a few days. Applied for a business number and opened a business bank account for Judi Lee Photography. Flew to Utah for our nephew Austin and Missie's wedding. Hosted a small birthday party for my brother Dennis's 60th. Officially photographed my first wedding, that of my nephew Logan and his new wife Amanda.
Spent a week in Whistler with our family (minus Michelle). Celebrated the first birthday of our granddaughter Elizabeth at our home in Calgary. Lost two of our dear former YSA members to a terrible car accident on our anniversary (Maren and Mike Melnyk). Endured another endoscopy.
Flew to Boston/Cambridge to visit Carolyn, Jeff and Elizabeth and attended a photography workshop by David Tejada. Flew to DC and visited Michelle for a couple of days
on the way home. Got new glasses. Photographed the MOA signing between the JLC and Brenda's House.
Worked at a casino on Thanksgiving weekend. Began team-teaching a marriage class in our home with Gary. Bloodwork revealed continuing struggle with iron-deficiency anemia and low thyroid. Attended the Family Roots conference with Dick Eastman as the featured speaker. Enjoyed a lovely dinner out with our friends Ben and Janet at Farm.
Celebrated a normal mammogram. Visited my Aunt Ethel
in the nursing home on Remembrance Day. Vacationed in Hawaii with Derek, Courtney and Jennifer for a week, then Maui with Gary for a week.December
Enjoyed another wonderful luncheon at Brenda Christensen's house. Endured another endoscopy. Took care of Gary's mom for a week over Christmas. Enjoyed having Jennifer, Stephanie and Michelle home for Christmas. Hosted the annual Lee Family Christmas Eve party for the last time. Enjoyed hearing about Stephanie's semester in Israel.
A significant part of the year was spent photographing the property belonging to Gary's partner Ian, near the Ghost reservoir, west of Cochrane. Also, spent time helping my brother with some WCB claims. Spent many hours updating and managing the Junior League of Calgary website. In spite of a continuing to struggle with some health issues, I have been truly blessed this year.